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[TR] shrunk vinyl

To: "" <>
Subject: [TR] shrunk vinyl
From: dave northrup <>
Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2023 22:18:08 +0000
Accept-language: en-US
Thread-index: AdmWaDb18+Voc7YeTneWgG5sF2A1Cg==
Thread-topic: shrunk vinyl
Content-Language: en-US

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Barn find tr3 included a hood stick cover, tonneau, and a top.   They all a=
re beyond tight.  They were too small to get more than one or two snaps on.

As an experiment, I put the hoodstick cover in the pool, which is currently=
 running about 88 degrees (it sits in the sun in Dallas!)  Left it in there=
 for an hour or two.  Took a cheap thin plastic tarp (like for painting) an=
d put it over the cockpit (don't want to encourage rust!) and tried it on. =
 had to use a little heat on the edges and a little more force here and the=
re but it pretty much fit.  Hit it with the heat gun a bit just for good me=
asure.  Going to leave it there for a few days.  I'm going to try this same=
 thing with the tonneau, and plan to leave it out in the Texas sun all day =
once I get it on (if I get it on???)

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<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Barn find tr3 included a hood stick cover, tonneau, =
and a top. &nbsp;&nbsp;They all are beyond tight.&nbsp; They were too small=
 to get more than one or two snaps on.<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">As an experiment, I put the hoodstick cover in the p=
ool, which is currently running about 88 degrees (it sits in the sun in Dal=
las!)&nbsp; Left it in there for an hour or two.&nbsp; Took a cheap thin pl=
astic tarp (like for painting) and put it over
 the cockpit (don&#8217;t want to encourage rust!) and tried it on.&nbsp; h=
ad to use a little heat on the edges and a little more force here and there=
 but it pretty much fit.&nbsp; Hit it with the heat gun a bit just for good=
 measure.&nbsp; Going to leave it there for a few days.
 &nbsp;I&#8217;m going to try this same thing with the tonneau, and plan to=
 leave it out in the Texas sun all day once I get it on (if I get it on???)=


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