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Re: [TR] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch

To: David Friedlander <>, New England Triumphs <>, TR3 Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch
From: dave northrup <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 19:43:13 +0000
Accept-language: en-US
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Thread-index: AQHZjnNCgwKekeiV9UaAs0OEqn+3eq9p0w73
Thread-topic: [TR] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch
Content-Language: en-US

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Oh yes.  Mine did the same thing.  Moss parts are crap.  Lots of plastic.  =
 Get a used all metal one

-------- Original message --------
From: David Friedlander <>
Date: 5/24/23 2:09 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: New England Triumphs <>, TR3 Triumphs <triump=>
Subject: [TR] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch

My =9174 TR6 keeps =91anointing=92 my driveway=85 Sigh=85 I thought at firs=
t, that the oil pan gasket was leaking but that doesn=92t seem to be the ca=
se. The oil pressure switch however (Moss 760-200, 3-lead switch), is prett=
y wet with oil, now that I=92ve returned from a short, 10-mile drive. Not t=
o sound too terribly naive but, do oil pressure switches leak/give up the g=
host like that? Anyone else have that problem?

Dave Friedlander
=9174 Six
=9159 Three A

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<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3DWindows-1=
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Oh yes.&nbsp; Mine did the same thing.&nbsp; Moss parts are crap.&nbsp; Lot=
s of plastic.&nbsp; &nbsp;Get a used all metal one
<div>-------- Original message --------</div>
<div>From: David Friedlander &lt;; </div>
<div>Date: 5/24/23 2:09 PM (GMT-06:00) </div>
<div>To: New England Triumphs &lt;;, TR3 Trium=
phs &lt;;
<div>Subject: [TR] TR6 Oil Pressure Switch </div>
<div>My =9174 TR6 keeps =91anointing=92 my driveway=85 Sigh=85 I thought at=
 first, that the oil pan gasket was leaking but that doesn=92t seem to be t=
he case. The oil pressure switch however (Moss 760-200, 3-lead switch), is =
pretty wet with oil, now that I=92ve returned
 from a short, 10-mile drive. Not to sound too terribly naive but, do oil p=
ressure switches leak/give up the ghost like that? Anyone else have that pr=
<div dir=3D"auto"><br>
<div dir=3D"auto">Dave Friedlander&nbsp;</div>
<div dir=3D"auto">Maine</div>
<div dir=3D"auto">=9174 Six</div>
<div dir=3D"auto">=9159 Three A</div>


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