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Re: [TR] In some ways, Pretend your Randall?

To: Paul Dorsey <>
Subject: Re: [TR] In some ways, Pretend your Randall?
From: bill beecher <>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 13:13:53 -0500
Cc: "Triumph list" <>
References: <>
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Well put, Paul, I ask my share of overly simple questions that I could not r=
esolve by myself. =20

=E2=80=9CBetter to ask stupid questions now than to fix stupid mistakes late=



On Aug 15, 2020, at 1:06 PM, Paul Dorsey <> wrote:

Andrew, I know it is me of which you speak.  I was the TR3 upstart asking th=
e fundamental questions.  Randall always answered them in a way that I could=
 understand the answer.  Regardless of the question, he always had a correct=
 answer.  The picture someone posted of him doesn't quite fit the image of h=
im that I created in my head.  I thought of him as a know-it-all (who really=
 did know-it-all) , a grandfather-esque figure for this group.  Can you beli=
eve I caught him making a mistake once?  One that I actually got to correct h=
im on, it was something simple like the color of wires or something.  He qui=
ckly admitted the error.  Maybe "FT" admitted to me that Randall seemingly k=
new it all, and I got a kick from talking to them. (ISTR a little friction b=
etween these two.  Fred sent me pages of snail mail on types of distributors=
 for my 25D and I actually met him and some other racer legend at Road Atlan=
ta.  Thru this list, I got to correspond with great people like Jack Drews a=
nd others, what great guys!  I can't remember the name of the guy who rebuil=
t my oil pump for me.  The guy who braved frozen temperatures to exactly tel=
l me correct door gaps.  I never took up Randall's offer to help me with my c=
anceling mechanism with my steering wheel- what great guys!  I guess now the=
ir up there in the 'great race-track in the sky'.
I don't have the depth that all you guys have.  Randall always
gave out the kind and lengthy (if necessary, answers).  Like an ignorant kid=
, seems like I boasted about the hardness of brass and I got a stiff reply f=
rom someone else (I can't remember who), but, I can't really chalk-up the al=
most abandoned TR3 project that I started something like 20 years ago to tha=
t.  I'm just too timid!
Why just today I got a distributor cap that I ordered from Moss for my proje=
ct.  (It's the second cap I've had to order for that car and I have never dr=
ove it a single mile! Go figure? ).  I live near corrosion acres and for awh=
ile I thought of the rust I had kinda like a fine patina finish, one that I w=
ould be proud to one day show off!  Sad to say, but maybe due to age and hav=
ing a head injury, my license to drive has been taken from me.  However, I s=
till dream, however, of fixing the tr3.  If I ever re-start my project in ea=
rnest, you might have to bear with my stupid questions, pretend your Randall=

Paul Dorsey- 60 TR3


It made me think (again) about Randall.  If anyone had the credentials to be=
 arrogant or condescending, he did.  He knew more about these cars than most=
 of us collectively ever will.  Yet he was always kind and sincere.  Some of=
 you may remember the individual a few years ago who was trying to restore a=
 TR3 and asked the most fundamental of questions:  Randall was consistently p=
atient and helpful while I am sure some of us rolled our eyes.


Maybe people are trying to assume Randall=E2=80=99s mantle as the TR guru.  W=
ell, it isn=E2=80=99t goin

** **


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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Well put, Paul, I ask my share of overly si=
mple questions that I could not resolve by myself. &nbsp;<div><br></div><div=
>=E2=80=9CBetter to ask stupid questions now than to fix stupid mistakes lat=
er=E2=80=9D</div><div><br></div><div>Bill<br><br><div dir=3D"ltr">#dontkillg=
randma</div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>On Aug 15, 2020, at 1:06 PM, Paul Dorsey &l=
t;; wrote:<br><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<div d=
ir=3D"ltr">Andrew, I know it is me of which you speak.&nbsp; I was the TR3 u=
pstart asking the fundamental questions.&nbsp; Randall always answered them i=
n a way that I could understand the answer.&nbsp; Regardless of the question=
, he always had a correct answer.&nbsp; The picture someone posted of him do=
esn't quite fit the image of him that I created in my head.&nbsp; I thought o=
f him as a know-it-all (who really did know-it-all) , a grandfather-esque fi=
gure for this group.&nbsp; Can you believe I caught him making a mistake onc=
e?&nbsp; One that I actually got to correct him on, it was something simple l=
ike the color of wires or something.&nbsp; He quickly admitted the error.&nb=
sp; Maybe "FT" admitted to me that Randall seemingly knew it all, and I got a=
 kick from talking to them. (ISTR a little friction between these two.&nbsp;=
 Fred sent me pages of snail mail on types of distributors for my 25D and I a=
ctually met him and some other racer legend at Road Atlanta.&nbsp; Thru this=
 list, I got to correspond with great people like Jack Drews and others, wha=
t&nbsp;great guys!&nbsp; I can't remember the name of the guy who rebuilt my=
 oil pump for me.&nbsp; The guy who braved frozen temperatures to exactly te=
ll me correct&nbsp;door gaps.&nbsp; I never took up Randall's offer to help m=
e with my canceling mechanism with my steering wheel- what great guys!&nbsp;=
 I guess now their up there in the 'great race-track in the sky'.<br>   I d=
on't have the depth that all you guys have.&nbsp; Randall always<br>gave out=
 the kind and lengthy (if necessary, answers).&nbsp; Like an ignorant kid, s=
eems like I boasted about the hardness of brass and I got a stiff reply from=
 someone else (I can't remember who), but, I can't really chalk-up the almos=
t abandoned TR3 project that I started something like 20 years ago to that.&=
nbsp; I'm just too timid!<br>   Why just today I got a distributor cap that=
 I ordered from Moss for my project. &nbsp;(It's the second cap I've had to o=
rder for that car and I have never drove it a single mile! Go figure? ).&nbs=
p; I live near corrosion acres and for awhile I thought of the rust I had ki=
nda like a fine patina finish, one that I would be proud to one day show off=
!&nbsp; Sad to say, but maybe due to age and having a head injury, my licens=
e to drive has been taken from me.&nbsp; However, I still dream, however, of=
 fixing the tr3.&nbsp; If I ever re-start my project in earnest, you might h=
ave to bear with my stupid questions, pretend your Randall!&nbsp;<br><div><b=
r></div><div>Paul Dorsey- 60 TR3</div><div><br></div><div>&lt;&lt;</div><p c=
lass=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,se=
rif"><br class=3D"gmail-Apple-interchange-newline">It made me think (again) a=
bout Randall.&nbsp; If anyone had the credentials to be arrogant or condesce=
nding, he did.&nbsp; He knew more about these cars than most of us collectiv=
ely ever will.&nbsp; Yet he was always kind and sincere.&nbsp; Some of you m=
ay remember the individual a few years ago who was trying to restore a TR3 a=
nd asked the most fundamental of questions:&nbsp; Randall was consistently p=
atient and helpful while I am sure some of us rolled our eyes.<u></u><u></u>=
</span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-family:&quot;Times New=
 Roman&quot;,serif"><u></u>&nbsp;<u></u></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><s=
pan style=3D"font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif">Maybe people are=
 trying to assume Randall=E2=80=99s mantle as the TR guru.&nbsp; Well, it is=
n=E2=80=99t goin</span></p></div>
<span>** **</span><br><span></span><br><span>Donate:=</span><br><span>Archive:
t/pipermail/triumphs &nbsp;</span><br><span></spa=


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