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[Fot] Failed Parts Alert - photos

Subject: [Fot] Failed Parts Alert - photos
From: sjanzen at (Scott Janzen)
Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 21:26:58 -0400
References: <> <> <> <>
Here are a couple of photos - can?t see the cracks but the black sharpie marks 
tell you where they are.  The one that is circled appears to follow a very 
slight casting mark. This one may not have gone anywhere but I wasn?t going to 
mess with it.   The other is cracked all the way through, all around - probably 
started at the sharp cut where it was milled, and this particular upright was 
cast thinner at that point than the others I have.  Canley did send me the 
first replacement at half price, but .  .  . I don?t want a front wheel to come 

Now they are scrap or future garage art - the shelf of failed parts.

On May 14, 2018, at 6:05 PM, DPPI - Mark Craig <info at> wrote:

Great, I got one set of Canley and they rest are stockers and I just bought a 
dye penetrant set that allows me to do it at home. I got enough Magnaflux brand 
dyes and developers in a kit to last me years at about 100.00 bucks on e bay. 
You might want to check it out as it?s more sensitive from what I know as 
compared to magnufluxing a part.
<image002.png> <x-msg://46/>  
Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211 <>
<image003.jpg> <> <image004.jpg> 
<> <image005.jpg> 
<> <image006.jpg> 
Phone: 615-834-0066
Fax: 615-834-9923
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Failed Parts Alert
Sure- still have both failed pieces.  Fortunately they did not totally fail in 

Sent from my iPhone

Any chance you?d take some pics of the actual failed part with some dots or 
arrows where you are seeing the cracks for us so we know better where to look 
for them??
<image001.png> <x-msg://46/>  
Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211 <>
<image002.jpg> <><image003.jpg> 
<> <image004.jpg> 
<> <image005.jpg> 
Phone: 615-834-0066
Fax: 615-834-9923
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 11:18 AM
Subject: [Fot] Failed Parts Alert
I?ve been using the trunnionless front suspension vertical link on my GT6 that 
Canley Classics sells for the past two years.  I?ve now had two fail the annual 
magnaflux tests.  They cracked in different locations, one right at the 
machining line for the flat for the stub axle nut, on the back side where the 
steering arm passes through, and one on the upright at what appeared to be a 
casting mark, near the bump you see in the photo below.  Neither crack was 
visible to the eye. The upright Canley sells no longer looks exactly like the 
photo - it now has a machined area on the back side, away from the wheel, much 
like stock ones.  Maybe I just had bad luck, but between two cracks and some 
binding issues at the ball joint I had to rectify, I would no longer recommend 
I started using the Canley units when the stock ones developed cracks in the 
traditional place at the top end of the threads where the trunnion is.
I have now installed uprights I got from Jigsaw Racing <> - Mark 
Field, in England.  The main difference from stock is they are not drilled for 
a grease fitting or grease boring down into the trunnion, which should make 
them stronger where the stock ones usually fail.  Mark races Spitfires and GT6s 
for himself and for customers in vintage racing and claims he has never had a 
failure.  He further claims that the units are made in the original forging 
molds and by the same people that made the Stanpart units.
Main point is, even though it?s a pain, pull your critical parts off and get 
them magnafluxed at least once in a while.  I?ve become paranoid and this is 
now an annual exercise.  The machine shop I go to usually does it for free 
while I am watching, probably because I?m usually dropping off engine parts 
where the real dollars get spent!  
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