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[Fot] GT-6 racer...

Subject: [Fot] GT-6 racer...
From: billdentin at (billdentin at
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 16:16:04 -0800
References: <> <>
Perhaps. Russ Moore thinks I am thinking about Mike Cammerata (sp?), which 
makes sense, but is a different spelling. Bill

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 12, 2018, at 4:10 PM, Jason Ostrowski <jason at> 
> wrote:
> Was the car you remember British Racing green?
> Jason Ostrowski
> Friendly Ghost Racing
> 1969 Triumph GT6+ Racecars
>> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 3:26 PM, Bill Dentinger via Fot <fot at 
>>> wrote:
>> Amici...
>> Yesterday I was reading the Sunday newspaper, which takes a while.  My 
>> youngest daughter Kathryn, who is currently staying with us, was watch an 
>> episode of the SCANDALOUS series now running on cable television.  It 
>> apparently is a six or seven part series on the President Bill Clinton 
>> scandal's from the 1990s.  It did not really catch my interest, as I had 
>> enough of it when it was actually happening.  But a portion of the Paula 
>> Jones trial caught my ear because one of her original team lawyers was a guy 
>> by the name of Joseph Cammarta.  I remember that name well, because at the 
>> time there was a Triumph GT-6 racer by the name of Cammarta racing vintage.  
>> I do not believe it is Joe or Joseph.  I think I remember Tony or Anthony.  
>> But this attorney looks exactly like that racer.  Brothers?
>> Does anyone else recall an East coast GT-6 racer by the name of Cammarata?
>> Bill Dentinger
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