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[TR] Problem solved - not totally sure how

To: TTSCC TTSCC <>, triumph list list <>
Subject: [TR] Problem solved - not totally sure how
From: Rye Livingston <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 06:26:00 +0000 (GMT) MailServer16E78.25278-16A-1132-e21ea0a6a8b6 t=1469168761; bh=3//PXQ+k48eyvIKSkzfIvqJf72gakdjP/moK2iC/yD8=; h=MIME-version:Content-type:To:From:Subject:Date:Message-id; b=oJJ5NKhdxXNZxuqJYrLsQ+0y5C+NTapGKsaSSYiw22QZ1U38mGFTWnUXfeIsf2m2y dWsY4JCuGCXojAP5ESKU5IBgaDz1bJB63EyHM/Ai+MrVZdlRed21LIhe6cpdJge48n avoeqwDU0XlzndJMD/yrUPTMva3Q7e92/30xS1X+qEweRVlPIFEGyQVIDU8NhZzBYj RRuao98QhNP+dRS7SB394n3gJxG6Q/LdNcsbOT+dln9Qr5GQRPjZ9KSVTIDNV3+o4R 8bkMJogiftLPvDon3VF+fHwe7e3NaVmJeFTM+GT8nicHQUoOaL98HRGzPUrAXl5gXo UM4LksnAO0yIg==

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How do you like that title? =C2=A0Somewhat seriously, the overdrive issue =
is fixed, but they aren't quite sure how/why. =C2=A0=0A=0AThis is the issu=
e of overdrive=C2=A0dropping out when under load during acceleration like =
an automatic transmission. =C2=A0They took the transmission out of the car=
 again, second time, and took it all apart again, for the second time. =C2=
=A0The overdrive was completely dismantled and inspected part by part, pie=
ce by piece, everything looking absolutely perfect by Dave, and Jim who is=
 a British transmission specialist. Jim was holding the tapered cone gear =
I think it's called, which has the clutch material around the outside of i=
t, which fits into the sun gear, I think I have the correct names for thes=
e, anyway, when he manually pushed the two together as they would engage, =
there was the slightest movement in the fit. =C2=A0They showed it to me an=
d there is about 1/16th of a wiggle. =C2=A0Both Dave and Jim said when loo=
king at this, it's so slight they both felt=C2=A0it should work and not be=
 an issue. =C2=A0But they couldn't find any other issue so he dug through =
his inventory and had one from his new old stock, manually put that one in=
 the sun gear, no wiggle at all. =C2=A0They put it all back together and b=
ingo, shifts perfectly.=0A=0AThe "not sure why" part is because they both =
feel that slight gap shouldn't have caused the problem, and wonder if ther=
e is some other fluid that could have soaked the clutch material causing i=
t to slip. =C2=A0I don't remember the name of what it is, but his example =
should resonate with some of you. =C2=A0In a particular model of Jaguar th=
e differential binds badly and makes some bad noises. =C2=A0In with the di=
fferential oil there is some sort of fluid that by design allows it to bin=
d less and it works perfectly and no bad noises. =C2=A0If that fluid was s=
omehow added to the oil in the OD it would cause it to slip, and would be =
undetectable to the touch of the clutch material when dismantled.=0A=0AA=C2=
=A0few of you responded that the clutch was slipping, and you were right, =
but it wasn't because of low PSI keeping the OD engaged. =C2=A0I want to b=
e sure and make the point that British Motorsports stood behind their work=
 rebuilding the transmission, and the only charge to me was for the tapere=
d cone gear. =C2=A0=0A=0ABottom line I'm thrilled it's resolved and with t=
he strong rebuilt engine, the car=C2=A0is very quick and a blast to drive.=
 =C2=A0Now to start on my list of smaller projects getting the car ready f=
or Triumphest this fall in Ventura, CA.=0A=0ARye=0AActivities Director=0AT=
riumph Travelers Sports Car Club=0A1960 TR3A=0A=

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<html><body><div>How do you like that title? &nbsp;Somewhat seriously, the 
overdrive i=
ssue is fixed, but they aren't quite sure how/why. &nbsp;</div><div><br da=
ta-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>This is the issue of overdrive&nbsp;dropping=
 out when under load during acceleration like an automatic transmission. &=
nbsp;They took the transmission out of the car again, second time, and too=
k it all apart again, for the second time. &nbsp;The overdrive was complet=
ely dismantled and inspected part by part, piece by piece, everything look=
ing absolutely perfect by Dave, and Jim who is a British transmission spec=
ialist. Jim was holding the tapered cone gear I think it's called, which h=
as the clutch material around the outside of it, which fits into the sun g=
ear, I think I have the correct names for these, anyway, when he manually =
pushed the two together as they would engage, there was the slightest move=
ment in the fit. &nbsp;They showed it to me and there is about 1/16th of a=
 wiggle. &nbsp;Both Dave and Jim said when looking at this, it's so slight=
 they both felt&nbsp;it should work and not be an issue. &nbsp;But they co=
uldn't find any other issue so he dug through his inventory and had one fr=
om his new old stock, manually put that one in the sun gear, no wiggle at =
all. &nbsp;They put it all back together and bingo, shifts perfectly.</div=
><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>The "not sure why" part is becau=
se they both feel that slight gap shouldn't have caused the problem, and w=
onder if there is some other fluid that could have soaked the clutch mater=
ial causing it to slip. &nbsp;I don't remember the name of what it is, but=
 his example should resonate with some of you. &nbsp;In a particular model=
 of Jaguar the differential binds badly and makes some bad noises. &nbsp;I=
n with the differential oil there is some sort of fluid that by design all=
ows it to bind less and it works perfectly and no bad noises. &nbsp;If tha=
t fluid was somehow added to the oil in the OD it would cause it to slip, =
and would be undetectable to the touch of the clutch material when dismant=
led.</div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>A&nbsp;few of you respo=
nded that the clutch was slipping, and you were right, but it wasn't becau=
se of low PSI keeping the OD engaged. &nbsp;I want to be sure and make the=
 point that British Motorsports stood behind their work rebuilding the tra=
nsmission, and the only charge to me was for the tapered cone gear. &nbsp;=
</div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>Bottom line I'm thrilled it=
's resolved and with the strong rebuilt engine, the car&nbsp;is very quick=
 and a blast to drive. &nbsp;Now to start on my list of smaller projects g=
etting the car ready for Triumphest this fall in Ventura, CA.</div><div><b=
r data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>Rye</div><div>Activities Director</div><=
div>Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club</div><div>1960 TR3A</div><div></div>=
<div class=3D"x-apple-signature"></div></body></html>=



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