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Re: [TR] Re; TR6 convertible top questions

To: <>, "Dave Murphy" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Re; TR6 convertible top questions
From: "Peter Arakelian" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 05:10:57 -0800
References: <COL127-W25D810F35A6C4E6CD9B4E5A3AD0@phx.gbl>
Seal-send-time: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 05:10:57 -0800 FILETIME=[9F9A8AC0:01D16984]
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I live in southern CA, my top, as friends will attest, is almost always =
down.  Only up if it really rains - not just a heavy mist or light =
sprinkle.  I have tried on occasion to put it up on a regular basis at =
home, it should be, but have never really done that.

----- Original Message -----=20

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 11:40 AM

Subject: Re; [TR] TR6 convertible top questions

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FONT-FAMILY: Calibri } =20
Peter, Its interesting that you don't have the same width shrinkage =
problem that I have with my tops which spend about 2 days raised each =
year and remain folded all winter. The length on my tops has stretched, =
so they are easier to attach at the header rail than when new. I think =
stretching the length causes the width to shrink (Poisson's Ratio) as in =
an elastic band. Do you mostly keep your top raised?

<I have had two sunfast tops on my TR6, one for about 10 years, the =
current one for about five.I have never had a real <shrinkage problem =
either side to side or front to back.  Over the years it will get =
slightly harder to stretch up, but not <enough to really speak of.  =
These are Robbins' sunfast tops.  would not go back to vinyl.
<Peter Arakelian - '71 TR6, Daily Driver =20

<<The main complaint I have with both the original top and the Sunfast =
is that the tops attach to the velcro on the folding <<side rails for =
only about 2 years before the width of the top "shrinks" and becomes too =
narrow to even reach those side <<rails.=20
<<-Dave Murphy, Dearborn MI           
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<DIV>I live in southern CA, my top, as friends will attest, is almost =
down.&nbsp; Only up if it really rains - not just a heavy mist or light=20
sprinkle.&nbsp; I have tried on occasion to put it up on a regular basis =
home, it should be, but have never really done that.</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style=3D"padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 5px; =
margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 5px; border-left-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); =
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  <DIV style=3D"font: 10pt/normal arial; font-size-adjust: none; =
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  Original Message ----- </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"font: 10pt/normal arial; font-size-adjust: none; =
font-stretch: normal;"><B>From:</B>=20
  <A title=3D""; =
  Murphy</A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"font: 10pt/normal arial; font-size-adjust: none; =
font-stretch: normal;"><B>To:</B>=20
  <A title=3D""=20
  href=3D"";></A> ; <A =
  href=3D"";></A> =
  <DIV style=3D"font: 10pt/normal arial; font-size-adjust: none; =
font-stretch: normal;"><B>Sent:</B>=20
  Tuesday, February 16, 2016 11:40 AM</DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"font: 10pt/normal arial; font-size-adjust: none; =
font-stretch: normal;"><B>Subject:</B>=20
  Re; [TR] TR6 convertible top questions</DIV>
  <DIV dir=3D"ltr">
<STYLE>.hmmessage P {=0A=
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  <DIV dir=3D"ltr">Peter, Its interesting that you don't have the same =
  shrinkage problem that I have with my tops which spend about 2 days =
  each year and&nbsp;remain folded all winter. The length on my tops has =

  stretched, so they are&nbsp;easier to attach at the header rail than =
when new.=20
  I think stretching the length causes the width to =
  Ratio) as in an elastic band. Do you mostly keep your top =
  have had two sunfast tops on my TR6, one for about 10 years, the =
current one=20
  for about five.I have never had a real &lt;shrinkage problem either =
side to=20
  side or front to back.&nbsp; Over the years it will get slightly =
harder to=20
  stretch up, but not &lt;enough to really speak of.&nbsp; These are =
  sunfast tops.&nbsp; would not go back to vinyl.<BR>&lt;Peter Arakelian =
- '71=20
  TR6, Daily Driver&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
  <DIV dir=3D"ltr">&lt;&lt;The main complaint I have with both the =
original top=20
  and the Sunfast is that the tops attach to the velcro on the folding=20
  &lt;&lt;side rails for only about 2&nbsp;years before the width of the =
  "shrinks" and becomes too narrow to even reach those side =
  <BR>&lt;&lt;-Dave Murphy, Dearborn=20


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