My previous post didn't make it to the archives so I'll try again after
removing the picture.
Previous message:
From: Chuck White []
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 10:58 PM
To: ''; ''
Cc: Tim & Marty Moore (TimTheBold@Ameritech.Net)
Subject: FW: TR250 wiper switch
Here's what Tim Moore, a Miami Valley Triumphs member and TR250 owner says:
The switch is a press in fit, it has 2 spring loaded clips one on the top
and the other on the bottom. If enough pressure can be applied to the switch
it will pop out. It might also be possible, if you are agile enough, to lay
on the floor and reach up with a screwdriver and depress the bottom clip
making it easier to pop it out. I have supplied a photo of the switch and
its spring loaded clip.
(The photo may not show up on the List. - Chuck) <- photo removed
Best regards,
Tim Moore
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