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[TR] off topic due to winter

To: Triumphs List <> a=TGdWY25KQovz78N+ylr7Fw==:117 a=TGdWY25KQovz78N+ylr7Fw==:17 a=ayC55rCoAAAA:8 a=ML7vOrLOuCUA:10 a=IkcTkHD0fZMA:10 a=f8qcBMrUAAAA:8 a=DfEMuz-QMefbnc3GTngA:9 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10
Subject: [TR] off topic due to winter
From: Bob Labuz <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:07:43 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.2.0
This post is in reply to those members who share their home brew during 
various Triumph get togethers during the year.

I have finally taken the plunge and brewed my own beer/ale.

In order to learn the "craft", I decided to buy a kit from a local 
beer/wine supply store.

Since I always liked the British Bitters I had in England back in the 
early 80's, I tried Coopers British Bitters.

Well I have to say it turned out pretty good.

It is a bit darker than the John Courage Bitters I had in England, it 
does taste pretty good.

A strong hoppy flavor but not to "heavy".

My next batch will be an American Pale Ale brewed from scratch using 
some of my home grown Cascade hops I grew this summer.

Now I will have to get to one of those Triumph get togethers so I can 
share my beer/ale with others.

My first crop of hops yielded about 2 oz. I am hoping for a better crop 
next year.

As far as Triumphs are concerned, I removed the battery from the 6 last 
Saturday. The 3 and 4 have been sleeping since August since it was the 
6's turn. My garage only allows one car to be used at a time. (Triumph 

Here is hoping for a short warmer Winter.


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