When thinking of buying a TR6 a number of years ago I took along a TR
specialist. One of the tests he carried out on the road test was to drive at
very slow speed in a tight circle on full lock, both left and right.
Apparently this test would show up worn driveshafts. I am sorry, I forget
what kind of noise he was listening for.
Perhaps this may help isolate your problem.
TR4A CT64306 O
Wales UK
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Arakelian" <>
To: "Listers" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 7:32 PM
Subject: [TR] what's that noise? update
> Want to thank all for input.
> I had some say it was brake noise: I checked brakes all looks well. When
> I
> backed the front pads off the and flicked the metal shims it was a noise
> of
> similar tone, but all looked and functioned well.
> Some said rear hubs: I jacked up the rear end pulled & pushed, wobbled
> vertically & horizontally - no play.
> Some said u-joints - here it got interesting. One of the rare noises it
> makes
> sometimes when it does make its tinny sound is a slight bump or knock. It
> has
> also made the tinny sound most often when I pull into my driveway over the
> bump in transition from street to driveway. I do this at an angle,
> slowly.
> As the right rear wheels come up over the bump - noise. So I will inspect
> u-joints next.
> Keep all advised.
> Again thanks to all, if anyone thinks of more, please don't hesitate...
> Peter Arakelian - '71 TR6, Daily Driver
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