I am running pertronix in my 4A, and I have no problems. However my points
were just as good. I replaced the points to track down a slight miss, and the
pertronix changed nothing. No worse either. It turned out to be the dizzy
cap and switching it to the push on wire style fixed it
I think that a transistorized switching unit triggered by points will be the
best overall alternative for these cars. The transistors carry the heavy
load, and points will not burn. The ribbing block will slowly wear down but
it is easy to keep up with that with occasional dwell adjustments.
On a hot engine I would consider either something like "High Energy Ignition"
types or Capacitive Discharge" types,. But on a plain old TR four cylinder
engine points will be totally fine!
On Oct 12, 2014, at 2:00 PM, triumphs-request@autox.team.net wrote:
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:21:37 +0000 (UTC)
> From: terryrs@comcast.net
> To: triumphs@autox.team.net
> Subject: [TR] Pertronix
> Message-ID:
> <1780743949.1251964.1413076897000.JavaMail.root@comcast.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> I have been--and continue to be--a big fan of electronic ignition for my
TR3A. No gradual degrading of points, no resetting or filing, and so on.
> Just had my boat distributor rebuilt by Advanced Distributers in MN (NFI and
all that). They did a great job on a Triumph dizzy too.
> As I was talking to Jeff there, he mentioned how his experience with
Pertronix has led him to believe that the RFI interference of the magnetic
fields of the wires affects the Pertronix and can cause a reduction in power.
One particular empiric test he ran was with a new rebuilt high end engine that
found a 30 horsepower increase switching to points after several disappointing
tests with Pertronix.
> I'm not inclined to disbelieve it, necessarily. In the navy in the late
60's, I worked on WWII radios in very old sub hunt and seek prop planes. They
had odd interferences like inter-electrode capacitance issues.
> So...opening it up to the List. I'm way to removed from electronics these
days to profess expertise. Jeff thought people would say he's crazy.
> Thoughts?
> Terry Smith, '59 TR3A TS 58667
> New Hampshire, where inter-snowflake capacitance is a very real issue come
on to January....
** triumphs@autox.team.net **
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