So I have the trans tunnel off of the TR3A. When you throw the OD switch,
nothing happens. I put a test light at the bullet connector to the solenoid
and get a light. My multimeter is dead and I am heading into town now to get a
9V battery to get it going again so I can measure voltage going to the
I tried a battery charger on the solenoid on the workbench and
it seemed to actuate well.
I tried the battery charger test on the
solenoid installed in the car and it didn't move.
The circuit to the
solenoid has a fuse that blew somewhere in my testing. I changed out the 20
amp fuse. It worked with the old solenoid as installed for about 15 years.
The car has had a dead battery several times in the last month. Coincidence?
Not sure what is going on there.
My TRF repro OD switch is a little
finicky and I have had to wiggle it side to side to get the OD to engage in
the past. It is still that way.
The trans and OD are topped off with oil.
I tried the solenoid that came with the professionally rebuilt trans. It
worked for about 500 miles and then the OD didn't engage anymore. I tried the
solenoid that was in my last trans (that I changed out because it was
rattling). It was working when I took it out, but now it doesn't work in the
It is almost like the solenoid grounding path isn't complete. I
have a woven grounding strap from the engine front plate to the frame. That
should be good enough. Maybe I am not getting enough voltage to the solenoid
when installed in the car, although my battery test should have taken care of
Any ideas?
Bill Brewer - Tehachapi
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