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[TR] tr-3 lukewarm heater

To: triumph <>
Subject: [TR] tr-3 lukewarm heater
From: Gary Nafziger <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 11:25:09 -0800 (PST)
newly restored tr-3 has a Meradyne heater installed.  Temp guage shows 180-190
radiator temperature but very luke warm heat from the heater. 

I assumed an
air bubble in the heater core so tried to remove that by running engine with
radiator cap off until thermostat opened.  Then I loosened the inlet heater
hose at the firewall untill water seeped out and also did that at the firewall
for the outlet, attempting to bleed the air out.  Before I got everything
finished the car overheated and coolant boiled out.  

Shut everything down
and let it cool, added more coolant and installed cap and am gonna forget it
for now.  Oh, during this process I also had the front of the car jacked up
high.....hoping this would get the radiator resevoir above the heater

Drove it around for 15 minutes and still lukewarm heat from the
heater.  Anyone have suggestions or more clear instructions on next move?  I
do have the skirted thermostat.

gary n.

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