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Re: [TR] Pushrods tr4 engine won't go back down.

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Pushrods tr4 engine won't go back down.
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 09:42:23 -0700
Thread-index: Ac6RINDlD03zUyfoS9GZlWkchwe4AAAD9Lwg
>  I had this happen once.  The problem is the oil on the 
> lifter/pushrod interface will create enough suction to lift 
> lift the lifter along with the pushrod to the point where the 
> lifter comes out of its hole in the block. 

Ditto; except I've had at least one try to do that, every time I've taken
the pushrods out.  My solution is to list just an inch or so then spin the
pushrod back and forth a few times with my fingers, until the weight of the
lifter drops off.

As noted, if you are pulling the head anyway, it's much easier to put the
lifters back with the head off.  Putting them back with the head in place is
like trying to thread a needle in the dark.

-- Randall 

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