Two photos of the TR3S racers at LeMans in June, 1959, unpublished as far
as I know and recently added to my small collection of ephemera, offered as
an early Christmas present to those on the list who get a kick out of this
stuff. I've always thought the TR3S cars were among the coolest TR racers,
even with their snakebit history. XHP938, XHP939, and XHP940 visible in
the photos.
Here are links to scans of the 2-3/4 inch x 4 inch (7 cm x 10 cm)
originals. If you're interested, you should be able to display and
download the original *fine* detail scans.
A few interesting points...
1. The "opened up" grilles look terrific, IMO. As one whose TR3B is still
fighting cooling issues I'm tempted to make one of those out of a donor
grille and some wide-jaw pliers.
2. The corrugated paperboard covers over the headlights look like a true
racer's adaptation to necessity. Not pretty, but improvised in a minute
and probably functional.
3. The head badges look to be black and red -- the earlier style than the
blue and white Standard Triumph were using at the time. Kinda hard to tell
for sure, but white doesn't seem to show. I believe the black and red
badge was used on at least one of the TR3S replicas built in recent years.
4. A single leather strap at the front center edge of the bonnets. No T R
I U M P H letters on the apron, which would have been a surprise if they
*were* used.
5. Body color painted hinges. Similar to the TRS racers. Beading on
wings still in bright metal, though.
6. The auxiliary lights look to be SFT fogs -- not SLR pencil beams. On
the driver's side the lamp looks to be clocked in its housing to maintain
orientation. Not so on the off side.
7. Can't be sure, but the wheels sorta look like 72 spoke Borrani wire
wheels. ISTR that Triumph did use Borranis in racing at some point.
Others may have more info to add here, especially some of FOT friends.
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