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[TR] How many TR4s are there?

To: "" <>
Subject: [TR] How many TR4s are there?
From: Cosmo Kramer <>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 12:20:12 -0800 (PST)
Happy Holidays List!
1- This is a VERY tricky question, because many people
group the TR4 & the TR4A together. Therefore, you may mean ONLY TR4's, but
another person may be thinking TR4, TR4A, or combining both & NOT knowing the
difference. So you can see the count can be WAY OFF. Then there's the factor
of what Jonmac stated earlier [which I was not aware of, & Thank You for
educating me (AGAIN) on that bit of info].
2- When the TR6 started coming
out, many TR4A's where in high demand as PARTS CARS. Because of the salt
deterioration (as mentioned previously), totalled or cost of repairs, many
people would purchase this car, NOT to drive or restore, But to cut up & sell
for a profit. The person would sell the Engine (2.1 L about) & the tranny
(Syncro in all gears) to the TR3/A owner. The rest of the car to the TR250 or
TR6 owners, because of the IRS (A TRUE TR4A, not the American version with the
live axle). So you can see why the TR4A may be fewer in count, running on the
road, than the TR4 running on the road. Then you have to take into account of
the people who try to counterfeit the TR250 by taking a TR4A & dropping in a 6
Because of these reasons, one can see how a simple question can
become VERY complicated in obtaining the correct answer. This is one reason
that Randall Y. would type TR4/A when meaning BOTH TR4 & TR4A. At first this
was confusing to me, until Randal explained what TR4/A meant when found in his
3- Regarding Watkins Glen '08, I know that there were many TR4/A's
there because of what Irv & others have stated, & I know that 2 more (that
weren't mentioned until now) Mine & another Greater Rochester TRIUMPH Touring
Club- GRTTC member's where there. 
How many TR4's vs TR4A's (counting TR4A
live axle as different from the True TR4A's) are in each American car club?
Because there are TR4/A (org vs live axle) that are NOT in TRIUMPH clubs, or
in any club. 
On one GRTTC ride that I went on, had at least 5 TR4/A there
which out numbering the TR3's or TR6's that day. I made a comment to one of
our club members, that I believe that GRTTC may have more TR4/A's than the
Toronto TRIUMPH Club (TTC) does. They an older establish TRIUMPH Club than
we are. 
The question I'd like to ask: Does ANYBODY in that TTC know what
their count is for TR4/A's running is?
-Cosmo Kramer

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