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[TR] Flywheel Bolts

Subject: [TR] Flywheel Bolts
From: tony at (Tony Drews)
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2012 13:26:34 -0500
References: <>
Those are what I use in my TR-4 race car, but in that application 
they are not replacement for stock bolts - the stock bolts are 
smaller - 3/8" I think.  I've got the crank and flywheel modified to 
use the larger bolts.

I believe that the 3/8" ARP bolts are P/N 206-2802.

You don't mention which TR these are going in.  If it's a model that 
uses 7/16" x 1 bolts, those should do the trick.

If you use them, before you button everything up, make sure that they 
aren't too long and protrude out the back of the crankshaft.  It's 
frustrating to put it all back together and find out that the engine 
won't turn over because the bolts have locked the crank into 
place.  A little quality time on the bench grinder taking a little 
off the length is the fix.

Tony Drews

At 11:46 AM 4/7/2012, Jeff wrote:
>So, as long as the flywheel's laying on the floor (as a result of 
>changing the rear transmission seal), why not replace the flywheel 
>bolts with spiffy racing bolts.
>Conventional wisdom says use ARP bolts.  I can get a set of four 
>from a Triumph specialist, or I can get a set of 6 apparently 
>identical bolts from a speed shop not far away, for about half the 
>price.  These claim to fit a Chevy or Ford application.
>100-2801 - 7/16" by 1"  Does that sound right?  Any reason these 
>wouldn't fit as well as the ones that cost twice as much?
>Jeff Scarbrough
>Corrosion Acres, Ga.

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