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Re: [TR] TR6 overdrive

To: Randall <>, ""
Subject: Re: [TR] TR6 overdrive
From: Frank Fisher <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 09:54:50 -0800 (PST)
car came to him with J type in place. looks like it was there from the
factory. despite some of the dpo stuff we see, this is not help together with
woodscrews etc.
it is a J type in there and its a J type from a volvo that we
have not pulled the top of the tranny yet. will do and see what the
inerds look like.
not sure i know how to bench test. this is my first time
with an o/d in my hands.

Randall <>
To: 'Frank Fisher' <>; 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 8:42 PM
Subject: RE:
[TR] TR6 overdrive

> Once in
> second it was stuck and would not come out.
So the main gearbox is also FUBAR.

> We
> had been told/heard that a Volvo J
type would work.

A 72 TR6 won't take a J-type OD (even a TR6 J-type) without
modifications.  You have to cut the tabs for the rear crossmember off the
frame, and then extend the crossmember back by a foot or so.  There is an
article on the Buckeye Triumphs site that gives one way to do it.

> What did
he break in the original o/d?

Hard to say.  Anything broken should be fairly
obvious with the unit
disassembled.  I would pay particular attention to the
sprag clutch in the
annulus as it is usually what breaks when you back up with
the overdrive

> If we clean out
> the back casing and not disturb
the innards, can we just swap 
> them over?

Not if the original was an
A-type.  The mainshaft and adapter plate are
completely different between the
two setups.  In fact, I can't think of a
single component that is shared
between A and J, except maybe the operating
pistons and one or two of the

And since there is no such thing as not disturbing the innards
(springs and
pulleys and cams, Oh My), I wouldn't even consider installing it
without at
least a brief pressure test on the bench.  Besides, you still need
to fix
whatever is wrong with the gearbox.

> What
> type of oil goes in the
o/d and how much?

That has been endlessly debated, no clear winner.  My
personal favorite
(now) is Redline MT-90; but that is more because it works
very well in the
gearbox.  IMO the J-type is not sensitive at all, as long as
it's something
oily.  The OD shares oil with the gearbox, the J-type adds
about 1 US pint
to the gearbox capacity.  ISTR the A-type adds slightly more.
> How do you get the oil in the o/d?

Fill the gearbox, wait for the level to
equalize, check the gearbox and add
more if necessary.

-- Randall 

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