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[TR] Proper level in TR6 fuel filter

Subject: [TR] Proper level in TR6 fuel filter
From: tr4a2712 at (Cosmo Kramer)
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 05:28:40 -0700 (PDT)
Joe Merone wrote:
Sent: October 31, 2011 

Hi folks.
I have a fuel filter on
my TR6 that you can see through, and am wondering
how much gas there should
actually be in there at any given time.
It seems kind of low - only about 1/5
full whether the engine is running or
turned off.
-Joe Merone
Hi Joe & List Members!
I just got back from
being out of town for the past month & I'm reading the back log of TRIUMPH
Digest list (from the most recent & also for where I left off, before I left
off). So you may be hearing from me again about threads that have expired (if
there is no E-mail address next to the person's name, as Joe Merone has done.
Joe, Where have you located your glass Fuel Filter (FF)?
I've located mine
just before the Front Carb Float Bowel, & I too have it about 1/5th full, as
others have mentioned. I too have had no problems in getting it up to the 'red
line', when cool or driving up in the Northern US. BUT! I have had problems
when I've driven for about 4+ hr. & need to 'top-up' the fuel cell (when I
drive in extreme heat; GA & south, as well as in SD in August {Temp in the sun
= 100+^F.}). I will be able to start up the TR4A & drive about 200' with NO
PROBLEM. After that I get the jerking & sputtering as running out of gas
(Vapor lock?). When i was in SD I vented the gas line before the Mechanical
Fuel Pump (MFP), because I didn't have an Electric Fuel Pump (EFP). Glen M.
told me of TRIUMPH owners having both installed in their cars. So over that
winter, I installed an EFP just past the fuel cell with a toggle switch so the
TR4A runs off of the MFP all the time & I can switch on the EPF at anytime.
So when I drove down to VTR'10, I had no need to use the EFP until I left
Athens, GA & stopped to refill up at the Southerner portion of GA. When I
reached that 200' mark of driving, & the TR4A started acting up, I flipped the
toggle switch to activate the EFP. After 10 sec., the car ran fine & I turned
off the EFP to have NO problems again, until the next stop.
So I too was
wondering if not having the Glass FF full is aiding in my problem?    OR 
the MFP's Diaphragm wearing out after the rebuilt of one year because of the
10% Ethentol that is now in the gas?
I'm interested in input from the list
on this thread. TIA,
-Cosmo Kramer

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