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Re: [TR] TR3A fuel troubles

Subject: Re: [TR] TR3A fuel troubles
From: "TeriAnn J. Wakeman" <>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 05:31:15 -0700
On 11/8/11 2:55 PM, Randall wrote:
>> My TR3 is 50 years old this year and I've owned it for 25 of those
>> years.  I won't be able to say that anymore in a couple months but I
>> find those number to be interesting.
> I do hope that means the car is turning 51; not that you are selling it.
> -- Randall
> Yes the TR will be turning 51 and my time with it will be turning 26.  Just 
>as my Land Rover will be turning 52 and my time with her 34 years.  I'm one of 
>those people who anticipate and delight in such things as odomoters turning 
>over so my car reaching half a centry at the same time I've owned my car for 
>half its existance seemed especially fortuitious.
> I still think of the 3 as the new car, even though she cost me a bundle in 
>2011.  Hard top, boot lid and front valance all taken down to bare metal and 
>repainted.  New headliner in the hard top. New cam&  lifters to replace the 
>flat ones because I thought my oil had more ZDDP than it did.  New valve job 
>while the cam was out. Purchase&  install of a limited slip.  New rear brakes. 
> New aluminum front hubs&  axles that are a lot stronger than stock. I ended 
>up buying&  remodeling a house this summer so the new hubs are still in a box. 
>Unless I buy a heater for the garage, installing the hubs will wait until late 
No, my TR3 along with my Land Rover will most likely be part of an 
estate sale.  Hopefully sometime far in the future.



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