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[TR] TR6 electrical stuff stops

Subject: [TR] TR6 electrical stuff stops
From: lgmtr6 at (lgmtr6)
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 23:55:58 +0000
References: <EF00D03C8AF840EAADBB9D6B8D40D12A@Ecom.local>
Ok, I know that a lot of very knowledgeable folks have weighed in on this, but 
I'm stuck on the part that "it poured" out before this all started. A wet 
connection can cause all sorts of crazy electrical issues. I had this happen on 
my prior Stag and I thought the electrical system was haunted. It turned out 
that the water had caused a short. I found the short up by the radiator in the 
lighting wires, put some shrink wrap on it and never had another gremlin. Now, 
I'm not saying that the fuse block might not need attention, but it seems that 
the obvious has been overlooked. Just my 2 cents worth.
Larry Miceli
74 TR6
73 Stag
57 TR3
71 XKE
87 XJ6 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "David Soknacki" <soknacki at>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 11:50:08 
To: <triumphs at>
Subject: [TR] TR6 electrical stuff stops

Please help with what I hope is a basic electrical question.

On the way to work today in the TR6 it started to pour. When I turned on the
blower, I lost power to the signals, gas guage, wipers and of course the
blower itself did not turn on.

Although I drive around with a box of replacement fuses, all of the fuses
look fine. 

Suggestions are welcome. It would be nice to have wipers and signals for the
way home!

Thanks to all.

triumphs at

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