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[TR] Paul Richardson

Subject: [TR] Paul Richardson
From: macartney.john at (John Macartney)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 22:20:51 +0100 (BST)
I know a number of listers read "The Vintage Triumph" (from VTR) and "Triumph
World." Those people will know that my very good friend Paul Richardson (son
of the late Ken Richardson) is a regular contributor to both publications.
Owing to my absence from home over the last few days, I only heard today from
Paul's wife today that he was taken ill at home some days ago and rushed into
hospital. On arrival, he was diagnosed with a seriously perforated duodenal
ulcer and went into surgery immediately. The diagnosis was a total surprise
because Paul didn't know he had any form of ulcer! He was allowed home just
before the weekend just passed and while still very weak, he's starting on the
long road to recovery.
If any lister enjoys Paul's articles - and I'm sure
there are many, I'll be happy to receive messages from anyone (off-list
please) which I can then pass on to him.

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