Seems to me the comments about surface texture area a matter of degree.
Gloss is a "micro" optical property. Roughness is a "macro" surface
property. Normal flatting agents in paints and coatings are designed to
disrupt the surface on the micro level to cut gloss without making a big
difference in macro roughness.
Not seeing the articles in discussion, it's hard for us to fully understand
the "bit of texture" observation. I think if a lower gloss powder coat --
especially an only slightly lower gloss satin --- is giving a substantially
different surface texture, there's something else at work besides the
intended gloss level.
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:02 PM, <Dave1massey at> wrote:
> In a message dated 6/26/2011 8:08:54 PM Central Daylight Time,
> elliottr at writes:
> > I have been using Eastwood's powder coating supplies some and have been
> > very happy with them. But, after doing the last 3 pieces n satin black I
> > noticed that all of the items I have done in the satin black have a bit
> of
> > texture to them, while all of the other items seem to be very smooth.
> >
> > So I am wondering, is the satin black supposed to feel that way, or am I
> > doing something wrong. I suspect that I am doing something wrong, though
> it
> > seems to only be affecting the satin black. Any ideas?
> >
> Absolutely. That's how they get the satin look. It's the texture. If you
> clearcoat over a satin or flat finish it will come out gloss.
> Dave
> triumphs at
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