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Re: [TR] Originality issues

To:, John Macartney <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Originality issues
From: Bob <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:57:06 -0400
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 11:48:11 am John Macartney wrote:
> Hi, List
> I've been asked to put an article together for a magazine about
> why many people are so committed to *originality* while (probably?) an
> equally large number are not? We've got a diversity of views here in the
> UK and I'd be interested in having those from North America as well.
> If *originality* is
> important to you, I'd be very interested to learn your thoughts - and why.
> Equally, if it doesn't matter - or you're ambivalent about the whole
> subject anyway, I'd be equally in learning those thoughts too - and why.
> In order to
> save cluttering the list with replies, I think everyone would appreciate
> the general subject as being 'off-topic' so replies to me please off-list.
> Thanks - and cheers
> Jonmac

Originality is important to me but only to a point.

When restoring my 3 Triumphs I tried to use as many original parts as was 

But I didn't shy away from upgrades that would keep me from the side of the 
road such as electric fuel  pumps and regulators in all 3.

I have made numerous upgrades over the years mostly for reliability.

If I had the time and $ I would upgrade the 3 and 4 with alternators and add 
some relays etc. as an example. Maybe in the future.

Again, since I drive them as much as possible my main concern is reliability.


1958 TR3A
1963 TR4
1972 TR6


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