To the List -
I am a new member of the list (less than 6 months) and find that questions that
are posted are answered quickly and to the point. I enjoy seeing the wealth of
knowledge shared by members as well as the well-mannered, gentle responses to
those who are probably over their head in their mechanical endeavors. I have
visited some forums, diesel Dodges to antique tractors, and find there is just
too much volume of information to sort through. I like the idea of posing a
problem, knowing that I will probably see a response within hours. Also, I
don't need to be entertained with the excessive number of smiley faces and
other animations I have seen on some forums. Thanks to all who make this work,
and especially to our administrator. Let's keep it going.
Alex Thomson
73 TR-6
71 GT-6
Suggested annual donation $11.47