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[TR] It's alive!!!

Subject: [TR] It's alive!!!
From: T S Hardy <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:05:05 +1300
Hi people....

    Yesterday was a definite Red Letter Day for me. I took the TR4A down to
our local Warrant of Fitness issuing person, and it passed!! WOF's are a
complusory 6-monthly safety inspection. No WOF, no Registration! Anyway, it
passed, so next stop , get it registered and get going. A very good fellow
ex-Air Force mate now runs a small service centre, and has a soft spot for old
cars, so he had re-routed a brake pipe that was unfortunately running across
the battery, and a previous WOF check had detected a rear brake hose in
slightly the wrong place, so that was re-routed better.
    Fortunately, the weather was quite beautiful for this time of the year,
and demanded top down motoring. GREAT!! Anyway today was a mini shake down
cruise over to our nearest city, a drive of around 19km and it performed as a
Triumph should....Perfectly! This bodes well for a larger run on Easter Sunday
when my wife and I are going for a slightly longer trip to Levin, a town some
45-50 minutes away. Will keep you posted!
        Regards......Trev......Feilding, New Zealand .

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