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Re: [TR] Absolutely non-Triumph - but HELP!

To:, Bob <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Absolutely non-Triumph - but HELP!
From: John Macartney <>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 14:03:07 +0000 (GMT)
Hi, Bob

I'd agree that Apple products have 'a degree of reliability' over and above
Windoze equivalents. Trouble is (for me at least, in "goode olde we'll
financyialle rippe-youe-offe Englande" that to invest in an Apple product is
entirely cost-prohibitive. I'm currently in the process of buying a new laptop
and have studied many different versions currently on sale here. Sadly, an
Apple of the type I'd like will cost me more than 2.5 times the cost of a
Sony, Tosh or Fujitsu - and this seems rather a waste of valued pension
reserves for essentially private and non-commercial use?
There used to be a saying over here (in the commercial and industrial
organisations this country once had before they all migrated to China) that
"no-one got fired for buying 'Big Blue'" - a reference I believe to IBM and
clones of that ilk? But maybe I've just been lucky this far (?) as I've found
the offerings of Mr. William Gates' somewhat mind-boggling worldwide emporium
to have actually proved to be entirely dependable for me and therefore I see
little point in making the change. And anyway, I'm an 'oldish' dog who isn't
too willing to learn (simple) new tricks :)

To keep within a Triumph topic, why bother to learn how to set up Strombergs
when you already know how to get a Lucas petrol injection system (almost)
working as it should?

Cheers, Jonmac


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