Our local all-marque club (Tucson British Car Register) is very
active, typically 3 or 4 driving events each month, an annual 3-day
event, 4 or 5 coffee gatherings every month and tech sessions and lift
days as the mood strikes. The meetings are deadly dull but no one
really minds so long as the rest of the activities keep coming.
We tried speakers and members' presentations but soon lapsed back into
the basic club business -- we seem to have short attention spans if we
are not in the driver's seat or within sight of our car.
Events include:
Breakfast Run on the 2nd Saturday -- about an hour drive to a cheap
greasy breakfast. Usually about 30+ people, lots of wives attend.
Lunch Drive on 4th Saturday -- also an hour or so, also 30+ people
(though not the exact same crowd as breakfast) and most with wives
Bonus Breakfast Run -- do this every time a month has 5 Saturdays.
BritCar Cafe -- meet every Tuesday at a Starbucks, 7:30 to 10:00 or
so. Get about 20 guys, some stop in on their way to work, others are
there for the duration. Wives only attend once and realize this is
the guys' time.
Mad Dogs and Englishmen -- 100 miles in 100 degree heat. For some
reason, can only get people to do this once a year. Wives usually opt
to meet us at the end for gelato.
December Mystery Run -- 100 mile cruise to breakfast, route and
destination withheld until the start. Typically on the morning of the
day of the evening Holiday Party.
Tech Sessions -- occur when someone is tackling an interesting or
unfamiliar task. Many show up, some do work, others watch and eat
donuts. 2 or 3 per year.
Lift Days -- from time to time, always have one prior to a major
long-distance event. Members can do minor tasks under the car or just
check things prior to a big drive. One rule is that at the end of the
day all non-runners get pushed to the curb (hasn't happened yet). 3
or 4 per year.
Wednesday Drive -- a new event begun this month. Longer drive (about
2 hours) to lunch somewhere in southern AZ. Should be great for
retirees and those members who jobs have them working on Saturday.
Roundup (Feb) -- our annual 3-day event, draws in cars from CA and NM.
Club drives to participate in out-of-town events: BEAT (Phx-Flag),
Rendezvous (Albu club) and the Las Cruces Brit Car days.
Roadrunner (Oct) -- non-club event but mostly Tucson club members on a
1000 mile 3-day loop for pre-1980 Brit cars.
We go out of our way to welcome newcomers as they are the life-blood
of any club.
If you are visiting Tucson let me know. If we don't already have
something scheduled I will try to arrange an event to coincide with
your visit.
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This list supported in part by the Vintage Triumph Register