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Re: [TR] TR Radiator "Tropical" Fan?

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR Radiator "Tropical" Fan?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 16:42:49 -0700
> I am not sure I've ever really seen a TR  "Tropical" radiator 
> fan blade.. is
> the one listed here on eBay the real deal.. I'm kinda doubting it..

Read the text carefully; Ted doesn't claim it's the "tropical" fan, but
rather a stock metal fan for an early TR4A (before they switched to

I can't say if it's genuine, but it certainly bears a strong resemblance to
the illustration in my TR4A SPC (which of course doesn't show the color).
And while Ted has been known to stretch the truth on occasion, I'm inclined
to take his word for it.

Could be mistaken, but my understanding is that the "tropical" TR2-4 fan was
an aftermarket accessory, made in Australia or some such, not in the UK by
Standard-Triumph (though they may have fitted it to some cars, on request).


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