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Re: [TR] Reality check

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Reality check
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:52:05 -0700
> I ask because when such programs are being considered, the 
> nay-sayers always come out of the woodwork with tales of how 
> the government would come and take our cars.

As I assume you know, Joe, the CARS (aka Cash for Clunkers) program
specifically excludes cars as old as even the newest Triumph.  However,
there was a big spread in the LA Times just the other day, bemoaning how
'stupid' that was, and how unreasonable that "special interests" had gotten
that exclusion inserted.  It also talked at some length about how badly our
old cars pollute.

You're right, they haven't come for us yet; but it could still happen.  At
least once a year, there is a bill introduced to the CA legislature that
tries to reduce pollution from old cars.  And all it would take is applying
new car emission standards to force all Triumphs off the road.

-- Randall  

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