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Re: [TR] TR- trf summer party

Subject: Re: [TR] TR- trf summer party
From: Gene and Barb Wellenstein <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 23:28:38 -0500
Myself and my 9 yr old nephew attended our first Summer Party this 
year and it was a blast. We went in my 1959 TR3A starting from Green 
Bay, WI. I have no past experience but I thought there were many very 
nice looking TR3's in the crowd.Some were just gorgeous and I can't 
imagine what it requires to keep them looking so good. Some thoughts:
TRF's people were wonderful. When we first arrived John Swauger 
greeted us and asked where our travels had started. When I told him 
Green Bay he looked at my nephew and said "so you must be Henry". The 
nephew was amazed that John would know his name with all the other 
people there.
The BB gun shoot was supervised by, I believe, the son of Charles 
Runyon. He was patient beyond belief in handling all the kids, many 
of whom had never shot a BB gun. This seems like such a small item in 
the scheme of the Summer Party but I know it is one event that Henry 
will remember for a long time. It was quite a thrill for him.
So many people that aren't employees of TRF help out with the races 
and other events. I found it amazing that so many people would help 
and never really be recognized. What quality individuals.
Our TR3A had never been more than 100 miles from Green Bay and on 
this trip we put on over 1600 miles with no problems of note. We 
drove  from the Summer Party to Milwaukee in one day (Sunday) and ran 
into a viscous rain storm in Muskegon, MI. There was a lightning 
strike that hit a tree about 20 feet from the car while we were 
driving. This caused Henry to scream like a little girl and I 
screamed like a little girl with her hair on fire. The TR3A ran all 
day Sunday with many hours at 3800-3900 rpm (no overdrive) with no 
complaints and holding 70 psig oil pressure and 170-185 on the water 
temp. It sure is an impressive little engine. I could write 
paragraphs on the Summer Party but I will spare you. Suffice to say 
when we arrived home at 2:00 a.m. on Monday morning Henry told his 
Mom that "if you want a little adventure drive your Toyota. If you 
want a BIG adventure drive a Triumph". That summed up the trip.

Gene Wellenstein

At 07:30 AM 8/9/2009, wrote:
>list, i could not make the trf summer party due to health reasons. how was
>the party? since i am a tr3 bug, can anyone give me a report on the trs's
>scene.. hope you all, 3's, 4's, 6's and all others had a blast. regards,
>larry schwartz

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