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[TR] My TR Tour Day 2

Subject: [TR] My TR Tour Day 2
From: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 19:51:22 -0400
Lone Pine to Susanville:

I have to apologize for the delay for Day 2 and 3. They of course occurred in 
the correct chronological order, but unfortunately, my internet access was not 
quite working just right and/or the laptop had issues, take your pick as both 
happened at different times. But I think I know the 'work arounds' now so 
hopefully I will be a little more on-time!

We keft Lone Pine at around 8:00 AM, it was a beautiful day about 70 degrees, 
with great sun, a few clouds and Mt. McKinley in sharp relief against the blue 

As we drove north on 395 we would occasionally see hot rods and custom cars. 
Some were being towed and some were, like our cars, being driven. When we got 
to Reno we passed a casino with a very large parking lot absolutely chock full 
of street rods, exotic custom cars, numerous pop-up tents, etc. Later after we 
stopped at a rest stop, John, told me that gatering must have been the 'Hot 
August Nights' car show! John, said if he had been thinking when he made the 
reservations he would have set it up so we could have stayed in Reno and gone 
to the car show! He was also sure that he could 'double the clubs money' if we 
would have stopped in Reno!! As we drove north of Reno we continued to see more 
exotic custom cars on their way south, probably on their way to 'Hot August 
Nights' too.

North of Lone Pine 395 climbs to some 8100 feet, it was chilly enough that at 
one our stops I had to move a piece of my luggage in the passengers side so 
that I could roll up the passengers window as I was too cold to be comfortable. 
Later that afternoon I turned on the heater as it was just plain cold!

In Susanville we arrived to a 'sold-out' motel, It was full of fire fighters! 
The very harried waitress said that there were over 100 fire fighters at that 
motel/restaurant complex alone. There were supposedly a large bunch of forrest 
fires actively burning in the area.

Tomorrow, on to Redmond with a stop at Crater Lake!


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