I've been trying to talk Larry Young (no relation) into making a "hot
street" cam for the TR2-4 ever since I started hearing about how well his
cams do on the track. He has now agreed that if he gets four firm orders,
he will cut a master and make some cams. Check out the testimonials at
for some idea of how successful his first TR racing cam has been.
There is also a huge amount of information on the web site about cam design,
including some new algorithms that Larry has developed and incorporated in
computer software.
I don't claim to understand all the technical stuff, but with comments like
that from "uncle jack" and Tony, I want one! I've already made a commitment
to Larry, so we only need 3 more ... if you have any questions or would like
to get in line, please contact Larry at cartravel@pobox.com
No financial interest, other than the more people that sign up, the less
I'll have to pay <G>
-- Randall
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