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[TR] brake fluid paintover

To: "list Triumph" <>
Subject: [TR] brake fluid paintover
From: "dorpaul" <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 22:59:23 -0400
Dear list,
I hate to have to admit it, but I use Dot 3 & 4 brakefluid.  I also hate to
admit it but it leaked out of the mc's onto part of  the driver's  floorpan
and pealed up it's paint.  My question is how to get it up and then what to
repaint the floorpan with so as to halt the corrosion and retreat it with.
But, as always, a fairly cheap method is important.
    Forget I ever mentioned 'compartmental transfer of reservoir bf'.  What I
guessed was 'transfer within the reservoir' was  actually due to leaking out
of the MC and onto the new floorpan.  My TR3 is only destined as a 'daily
driver'; but I do want to  clean up the new floorpan, and recoat it with
something.  The bf sat on the floorpan for about a day or two, but that was
time enuf to strip the paint.
    My guess is the list might tell me to use mineral spirits and then
something like POR-15  But I'm not sure mineral spirits will get up

Thanks,  Paul Dorsey

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