Thanks, Mike, for the reassurance. I'l do it your way.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Michael Moore <> wrote:
> John
> My Chrysler uses a dual point distributor. I put a small piece of cardboad
> in one set of points, set it the specified dwell angle, then move the
> cardboad over to the second set.
> I've done it that way since 1964, and it seems pretty reliable. I never
> worry about primary or secondary.
> I understand the purpose of dual points on a V8 -because with 8 lobes, the
> point gap gets small to get the correct dwell angle and its therefore very
> small gap.
> With 4 lobes, it never made much sense to me, but racers say it does.
> Good luck! Mike Moore
> 59TR3A
> 62 Chrysler 300H
> On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Lee&John Howard wrote:
>> I'm at the point of starting up my rebuilt engine in my new TR4, which
>> came with Webers and dual-point Mallory. I downloaded instructions for
>> setting the dwell and they say to set the "primary" points first,
>> those that open first in the engine's revolution. I don't see how to
>> determine which is first - looking down at the dizzy it looks both
>> point sets are at the same relative place on their cams at the same
>> time. How do I tell which is "primary?" . Does it matter?
>> Thanks in advance. More questions to come, I'm sure, as I try to start
>> up and become familiar with the Webers.
>> John Howard
>> 64 TR4 daily runner (almost for sale!)
>> 65 TR4 almost ready
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