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Re: [TR] U-Joint Removal

To: Bob Danielson <>, triumph list
Subject: Re: [TR] U-Joint Removal
From: Michael Lang <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 17:28:31 -0800
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I have always pressed them in and out using a pair of sockets. Choose a
small enough socket to pass through the hole in the yoke. Place it on
the side of the that you are pushing from, and a large enough socket on
the opposite side to receive the cup that you are pushing out. Clamp the
whole assembly in a large vice and press it apart. For tool purists, it
is not exactly the intended use for sockets, but it has always worked
well for me.


Bob Danielson wrote:
> Ok, so while I've got the drive train out I figured I'd do some routine
> maintenance and replace all the u-joints. Lord knows if they've ever been
> replaced. As per a suggestion from a fellow lister as well as the directions
> in Haynes, they should "pop" right out with some hammer tapping on the yoke.
> Well, that technique seems to work on some but not all. I've tried both a
> regular hammer (yes I know I shouldn't be striking metal with a hammer due
> to risk of chipping....BTW...the boys on Mythbusters dispelled that myth)
> and a deadblow hammer, striking the yoke collar and all around with
> increasing force. But some seem to be just frozen in place. I even got one
> u-joint out but the cap is solidly stuck. Before I lock them in drill press
> and attack with drill power, does anyone have any suggestions? Would heat
> help?
> Thanks
> Bob
> Bob Danielson
> 1975 TR6 CF38503U
> Running w/ Throttle Body Injection

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