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Re: [TR] [6pack] eBay Madness, part duex

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] [6pack] eBay Madness, part duex
From: "Tony Gordon" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 22:40:04 -0500
Thanks ... I'll keep you posted on what transpires ...
Tony Gordon
72 TR6
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: "Tony Gordon" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [6pack] eBay Madness, part duex

> Too funny, I have been watching the stupidity on e-bay and you are bound 
> for riches. Send us the auction numbers so we monitor the progress and ger 
> the nickster's attention.
> Too funny, wish I had something original in its NOS package, I'd join you.
> Lou
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Tony Gordon" <>
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 22:03:47
> To:"TR list" <>, "6pack" <>
> Subject: [6pack] eBay Madness, part duex
> Having seen the eBay madness messages, I got to thinking ... what do I 
> have
> that is so rare, so precious, so unique that no one would mind bidding a
> fortune for it ... needless to say, I came up empty handed.  Then I 
> recalled
> that in the back of the garage, buried with all my other treasures were 
> some
> parts that were in the boot of the TR6 when I bought it.
> Yes ... there it was, just the kind of thing that would make some salivate 
> for
> ... a genuine Unipart Oil Filter, still in its rather battered box, but 
> the
> real McCoy nevertheless.  It just shouted out to me ... here I am, use me 
> to
> make your fortune ... and there it was, carefully hand made by English
> artisans slaving over the hot fires of industry in Birmingham and 
> Coventry,
> crafted to an exquisite jewel like perfection of folded pleats of
> non-bleached, high quality velour of the quality only used by the Queen to
> write on, and all assembled in a lightweight, scintillating aluminium 
> capped
> splendor.
> I'm hoping to raise somewhere between one and two grand for this unique 
> trophy
> class item, and I buy anyone on the list a beer when Jonmac makes it to
> Detroit using my windfall.  Given how much I expect to make, I thought 
> largess
> was needed, so half the money will go to the American Cancer Society 
> (joking
> apart, a cause very near to my heart).
> If you wish, you can add to the mirth by asking wonderfully strange 
> questions
> that might be seen in a Sotheby's auction ... and I'll post all the 
> replies to
> the eBay page.  Just is case you're interested, the item number is
> 190183325605 ...
> And, if this bloody thing does attract a single bid, it will only prove 
> that
> there are some really strange people out there with much more money than
> sense!

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