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[TR] Off list topic request:PA listers only

To: "TR list" <>
Subject: [TR] Off list topic request:PA listers only
From: "Tony Gordon" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 21:02:43 -0500
I am looking for a turret mill and have come across a machine that "might"
be what I need in terms of capacity and cost ... the guy doesn't have a
digital camera but seems pretty genuine (well, from the emails exchanged).

Is there a lister who is located anywhere near Marcus Hook in south Philly
who would be willing to swing by and eyeball the machine for me?  I don't
need an engineering review, just a "yup, it is a Sharp turret mill, and it
runs just like the guy said ...."

In return, I'd be happy to send some bits from a 72 parts car that has the
engine and gearbox removed for your time and trouble (please note: the car
is a rust bucket ... that's how I got it, but almost everything that isn't a
body panel or made from soft fabric is in good shape ... thank goodness for
the inbuilt oil spray preservation system).

Tony Gordon
72 TR6

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