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Re: [TR] a new clunking noise

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] a new clunking noise
From: "Mark Hooper" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 22:27:21 -0400
Speaking of new noises; there is a new noise in my home too. We have a nephew
with us for the year enrolled in some ponsy school with radical ideas that the
young need an education involving more than the history of Sodom and standing
duty as a toast rack for the older students.

Imagine my joy at coming through the front door after a long day at the office
spent begging bankers for money only to be greeted by the hideous sounds of a
wild jackass in heat. Braying and gasping loudly, it went on for a
considerable time, clearly in the depths of some fit of anguish and despair.
"What is that ghastly noise?" thought I; followed by "How did he get the beast
through the door?" Finally, the awful realisation struck, "Ye gods, they've
given him a trombone!".

There is a corner in hell for music teachers who would send a 12-year old home
with a trombone, no book and the blithe instructions to "experiment". It is a
deep corner; one past levels yet plumbed by miners or deep ocean explorers,
but it is there.

And so there he sits, banished to the farthest corner of the house, blatting
away with all the musical quality of a TR6 running on 4 cylinders with a loose
distributor cap. In desperation, I told him to massacre "Mary had a little
lamb" to at least add some regularity and predictability to my torment. It's a
fine point of discussion, that visitors to the dentist's chair know well, as
to whether it is better to know the pain is coming, or have it sneak upon you
hissing and shrieking all unforeseen. At least with regularity, one can pour
one's whisky into a glass without trembling in anticipation. One can time the
unmanly sobs to be covered by the dolourous honking.

I go now to the garage to listen to the Triumph's rattling valves and to
mumble and gnash my teeth over having had to miss my Triumph club's meeting to
supervise the ruination of tranquility in my home.

1972 TR6

P.S. Actually, the kid's not half bad what with no instructions and having to
play with 2 pairs of socks and a washcloth stuffed deep in maw of the dreadful


From: on behalf of Jim
Sent: Tue 25/09/2007 8:11 PM
Subject: [TR] a new clunking noise

Just when I thought it was safe to put the wrenches away...

My Spitfire has a new sound.  When I turn a corner at anything more
than walking speed I hear a clunk clunk clunk, maybe 3 to 5 clunks
right behind me which sound like something bouncing across a metallic
floor or swinging against a metallic wall.  Except there isn't
anything to swing or bounce, nothing loose underneath nor under the
spare tire.

I fully expect one or more of you to say it is something come loose
in the gas tank.  So what would it likely be?  A filter perhaps?  Is
it serious?

I don't relish the idea of pulling the tank, or even just pulling a
cover off.

Tanks in advance,

Jim Muller

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