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Re: [TR] one shorter grose jet

To: "'Paul Dorsey'" <>, "'list Triumph'"
Subject: Re: [TR] one shorter grose jet
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:36:26 -0700
> I've got a small collection of used grose jets.  I think i'd 
> prefer to use the solid round ones because of folk's horror 
> stories.

Paul, I think you might be a little confused about the term "Grose Jet".
That is a brand name for a specific type of redesign of the float valve;
they aren't all called "grose jets".

>     The other solid grose jet is flush with the bottom of the 
> 'tower' when seated and upside down.  Because of this, the 
> silver arm/lever needs to be turned in several directions on 
> it's way to the float.  I have an idea it's the wrong lever 

Yup, not the right valve.  Don't use that one.

> I don't know what 
> else might different between the original and new lids.

I'm not entirely sure what that line means, but it might be that they are
talking about the different versions of original SU lids.  There were at
least two different versions used on the TR3, one with push-on fuel fittings
and one with banjo fittings.  I think early TR2 might have been different as

>  two of the towers with metal balls 
> 'floating'-at-the-top type grose jets.

Those are the only real "Grose Jets".

>     I think I have also seen a small amount of rust on the 
> cadmium arms/levers.  Beyond just rubbing/scrubbing/brushing 
> this rust off, is there anything else I should do?

I just left mine rusty.  Knock off any loose stuff, so it can't fall into
the fuel, but a little surface rust won't hurt anything.


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