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Re: [TR] Triumph makes a come back in advertising

To:, triumphs <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Triumph makes a come back in advertising
From: "Glenn A. Merrell" <>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 17:24:22 -0600
Steven Newell wrote:
> Glenn, I think it's the mustache. :)  Me, I'm clean shaven, and I'm 
> constantly stopping to remove scantily clad chickies who've jumped into 
> my TR4 at stoplights and crosswalks. I'm pretty sure that's why my TR4 
> lists to the right a bit, from all the girls jumping in that side.
> Steven
I once had 6 of them in my 1200 Herald Sport convertible while I was 
driving around one summer - had the mustache then --- so I know it 
wasn't the 'stache or the car :)  But then again, a Herald Sport 
convertible is kind of sexy ...

Glenn A. Merrell
Chairman, Triumph Stag Club USA (2007-2009)
The best trophies are miles on the odometer, stone chips in the paint, dead 
bugs on the windshield!

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