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Re: [TR] Is the 13" steering wheel too small?

To: "jim hearn" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Is the 13" steering wheel too small?
From: "Rick" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:43:40 -0400
Hi Jim,

I have a 13" Mota Lita wheel on my TR6 and it is pretty darn small and thin.
For all around use it is OK but I have wide tires so parking requires a lot
of effort. On the way home from the British Invasion in Vermont last year we
hit a huge pot hole at about 50MPH and it ripped the wheel out of my hand (I
wasn't ready and yes should have had BOTH hands on the wheel). Anyway it
jammed my thumb pretty good but no damage was done. It looks great.


> snip
> Is the 13" steering wheel too small or does it look and drive fine?  Does
> anyone have any experience with the wooden 13 inch steering wheel
> on a TR6?
> Jim

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