> I would appreciate advice and lister's expertise ... but I
> don't want to
> count the "ups" and "downs" to determine the answer
Personally, I don't believe it makes much difference. It would seem that
the gasket makers don't think so either, otherwise they wouldn't have
redesigned with the extra oil hole, allowing it to be fitted either way.
Most likely, IMO, you have something else wrong, besides which way the
gasket is fitted.
I fought head gasket problems on my TR3 engine for many years, until I
finally happened to check liner protrusion on both sides. Turns out they
were low only on one side (!) apparently due to a manufacturing defect in
the original 1956 cylinder block. The moral is to check every liner on both
sides, every time.
Some other tips picked up along the way :
Take a new hardware store nut and spin it down the studs. Should turn
easily all the way to the bottom of the threads. If it binds about 2/3
down, the stud is distorted and should be replaced.
Use a straightedge and feeler gauge to check that the head surface is flat,
checking in several different places and directions. I've found that my
ordinary carpenter's square is straight enough. You can double-check your
straightedge if you find a low spot, by moving the straightedge and seeing
if the low spot moves with it.
The flat washers under the head nuts are special items and are important;
hardware store washers are too soft and the wrong size. If yours are
missing or wrong, replace them. I believe they are now available from TRF
et al. Same goes for the nuts. I wound up with a set of 'tall' nuts from
BFE, but the original spec nuts are fine, IMO. Just don't use hardware
store nuts (even grade 8).
Get an accurate torque wrench, and follow the sequence given in the owner's
manual. I like to go in 3 steps, first all to 40 ftlb, then all 80, then
all 105.
BTW, the owner's manual specifies that the head gasket should be installed
smooth side down.
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