> A chrome TR4A OD switch is as hard to find as a TR 4 OD
> switch. They just can't be found. The 4A's replacements were
> supplied with the plastic covering.
Few years ago, Justin Wagner showed our local club how he had 'restored' the
chrome on a TR4 OD switch using chrome foil available at art supply stores.
The result looked very good. If you looked closely enough, you could see
the imperfections in the original chrome (the foil is very thin and conforms
to the old surface); but I think it would fool Darrell <g> And there's no
reason you couldn't fill the pits with Bondo ...
It's a MS Word document that you'll need to download ... if you don't have
MS Word, you'll need the free reader :
If that doesn't work for you, let me know off-list & I'll send you a PDF
Unfortunately, as I recall, the later switches were also slightly different
in other ways, like the bend in the handle and the shape of the knob. Don't
know what you could do about that.