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RE: [TR] Re: Blogs (little LBC content)

To: <>
Subject: RE: [TR] Re: Blogs (little LBC content)
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:28:49 -0800
> - Some newspaper columnists maintain blogs, but I can't help 
> wondering: How is that different from writing a daily column?

One important difference is that newspapers have journalistic standards,
while a blog has none.  Another important difference is the deadline.

> But the world is so full of chatter anyway 
> that it is a tough task to decide which voices to hear and 
> which to tune out

True, but blogs are generally easier to ignore than almost any other form of

> - And are not some blogs are open to public or 
> restricted-public contribution from people other than their 
> maintainers?  How is this different from a mere public 
> conversation or traditional bulletin board?

Again an issue of control ... blogs are basically a tyranny, while public
conversations or bulletin boards (or mail lists) tend to be more democratic.

> - Were I to indulge in blogging, wouldn't it be presumptious 
> to assume anyone else really wants to invest the time reading 
> what are essentially my daily entires public diary?

Kind of the point, IMO ... you don't need to assume that at all.  If they
aren't interested in reading your maunderings, they won't.

>  Perhaps 
> if the bloggings were focusesd on a subject such as an email 
> list is, people might be interested.

And indeed, some are.

> All I can think of is how 
> the Internet has disproven the old saw about enough monkeys 
> with typewriters eventually typing the works of Shakespeare.  

We need either a higher, or a lower grade of monkey, I'm not sure which it
is !

As I see it, the neat thing about blogs is the freedom.  Trivial to set up,
no advertising, essentially no limits on what you can say, etc.  And they
are a thorn in the side of every government in the world that depends on
keeping their subjects ignorant. 


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