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RE: [TR] adjustable steering column

To: <>
Subject: RE: [TR] adjustable steering column
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:54:58 -0800
> We are working on a 1959 TR3A that has a missing steering 
> wheel control  
> head. Can we replace it with a fixed wheel control head? Are 
> there any  
> differences in the inner fixed tube between them?

The only difference in the control head is the length of the stub tube that
engages with the stator tube.  If you put a non-adjustable head on an
adjustable wheel, then the first time anyone moves it away from the
fully-forward position, the tubes will disengage and allow the control head
to turn, likely ruining the wires.  

The stator tubes were different, the "adjustable" tube had a much longer
slot.  But I can't recall for sure how much shorter it was ... might reach
the fixed stub tube.

However, I don't believe there was any difference in the control head
sub-harness.  My "non-adjustable" harness has extra length that would allow
it to be used with an adjustable wheel.

Somewhere I've got the stub tube from an "adjustable" control head, which I
could probably let you have cheap.  You should be able to mount it onto your
non-adjustable head to convert it.  Email me off-list if you're interested.


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