> Look! Do what I do. Continue to put your car or motorcycle in shows -
> concours if you have the guts for occasional criticism - or stick with
> participants choice if you just like to display. You could just place a
> 'Do
> Not Judge' placard on your windshield if you are not of the competitive
> spirit. One of my TRs has done OK over the years in participants choice,
> but
> I would NEVER put it in a concours class because I know the modifications,
> the
> non-original paint and the driver condition of it would never stand up.
> I've
> tried concours a few times with my other TRs. In terms of scoring, it has
> been
> occasionally dissapointing and it has been rewarding other times. It
> depends
> on the show and the effort.
OR..... you could look at it this way; if I remember correctly, entry fees
for a car at Palo Alto Concours this past year were $45, covered 1 car,
driver, 1 passenger, and coffee and donuts were promised. ( they ran out
real early) To walk onto the field as a spectator, it was $25/ person. So if
my wife wanted to come along to see all the really concours cars, I saved 5
bucks and got a great parking place to boot! ( I can't be sure of the prices
anymore, but the relationship is correct - it was cheaper for us to enter
than to walk on). I entered as non-judged this year, so people who didn't
really want to look at my car didn't have to.
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