Global warming and finding alternative energy sources couldn't be more
central to Triumph (and other LBC) motoring, to wit:
1. Warmer climate means that -- for those of us lucky enough not to
live on a soon-to-be submerged coastline -- we'll enjoy a longer
top-down driving season.
2. Finding alternative energy sources (particularly including the
hydrogen fuel cell) simply means that there will be more fossil fuels
for those of us who need it for our LBCs!!
I therefore watch both of these issues with great interest. Especially
as I plan on taking the TR-250 out to run errands on Saturday. When it
will be 65 degrees. In January. Seriously, though we can't deny that
climate change is occuring, and we can vigorously debate the causes,
item 1 above is the silver lining.
Bill S.
2005 Lotus Elise
1968 Triumph TR-250 (CD8464L)
1965 Austin Healey 3000 Mk III
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=== This list supported in part by The Vintage Triumph Register