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[TR] todaqy's excursion

To:, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: [TR] todaqy's excursion
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 17:47:57 -0500
They were predicting light snow with minimal accumulation today but 
Sharon wanted to do a little GT6 outing anyway.  So we drove (or 
tried to) out Rt117 a ways into Lincoln.  The snow was just a dusting 
at home but as soon as we crossed outside of Rt128 it picked up.  The 
road eventually became white and slippery enough to be scary on the 
6's Potenzas.  So we turned around, drove home, sliding around a bit 
here and there.  The GT6 enjoyed the trip, I'm sure.  It was a bit 
more, umm, fun than I'd look for on a daily basis!  Pretty though.

Winter his here, finally.  Be careful out there.

Tomorrow it's supposed to warm up again.

Jim Muller

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