Greetings Triumphisti-
The 2007 Illinois Sports Owners Association 2007 calendar is again
available to list members for purchase. This years full-color edition
measures 8 = by 11, is printed on heavy stock and wire bound. The 2007
featured cars, as submitted by club members on a first come first printed
basis, are: Jan-TR8, Feb-TR6, Mar-Stag, Apr-TR6, May-Spitfire, June TR4,
July TR6, TR6, TR6, & TR250, Aug-TR6, Sept-1800 Roadster, Oct-TR3A,
Nov-TR4A, & Dec-TR3A. The cover photo is of a group of Triumphs driving
along a winding road and there are also four collage pages of various ISOA
Triumph related activities from 2006.
The calendars sell for $7.00 or three for $20.00 plus $2.00 each
and may be purchased by mailing a check made out to Joe Pawlak [not ISOA]
to: Calendar, 14N640 Engel Road, Hampshire, IL 60140-8221. For more info,
email: After expenses, any profits will go to the ISOA
tool fund.
Bob Streepy, ISOA secretary & newsletter editor.[NFI]
CC58409 Lucille - the wonder car [I wonder if anybody would ever give 20
cents on the dollar for what I've spent on this thing?]
TS78649 LO Casper Midwest -Not the world's nicest TR$, just the most
=== This list supported in part by The Vintage Triumph Register